Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – According to a data analysis, Frankfurt is the one with the lowest proportion of seniors among the 15 largest German cities. Accordingly, 15.5 percent are 65 years or older, closely followed by Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. At the same time, Frankfurt has the highest proportion of employable people between the ages of 15 and 64 in a German metropolitan comparison, at 69.8 percent. This emerges from the so-called volume of materials “Frankfurt in a regional and large city comparison 2020”, which the head of the department for digital, Eileen O’Sullivan (Volt), presented on Tuesday in Frankfurt.

The volume contains data on the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region and eleven other German metropolitan regions, features of 15 major German cities including Frankfurt and 37 other European cities. Another finding: in Europe’s southern cities such as Genoa, Lisbon or Rome, the proportion of older people is significantly higher than in northern cities such as Manchester or Amsterdam.

The figures for the major German cities come from the databases of the statistical offices of the federal and state governments, the Federal Employment Agency and the working group for national accounts. For the study of European cities, cities were selected that had a population of over 400,000 people by the end of 2017 and had a similar socio-economic structure to Frankfurt am Main.