Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – The “Push” start-up grant from the state of Hesse is entering a second round. As the Hessian Ministry of Economics announced on Monday, around 800,000 euros are available in this funding round, with which the start-up scene in the state is to be supported. “We want to support founders financially at an early stage so that they can concentrate on what is important, namely the development of their business idea,” said Economics Minister Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens) according to the announcement. Solutions for more sustainability are particularly worthy of funding.

According to the ministry, the program is aimed at Hessian start-ups in the early stages. It should help them to set up and expand marketable business models. Applications are possible from March 1st. According to the announcement, the scholarship can provide up to 40,000 euros from state funds for support. In the first round of funding, 22 start-ups were funded with a total of around 860,000 euros.