Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – The Hessian state program “Löwenstark – der Bildungskick” is to be extended until at least the end of the 2023/24 school year. “Lion strong” is not just a catch-up program for learning and performance deficits, explained Minister of Education Alexander Lorz (CDU) on Wednesday in the Hessian state parliament in Wiesbaden. It also implements aspects to increase the students’ motivation to learn. It enables additional support courses such as individual learning support as well as cultural education and exercise offers.

The Minister of Education also emphasized the measures and allocations for the schools in Hesse, with which the state creates space for the core educational activities of the teachers and thus for more individual support of the pupils beyond the provision of basic lessons. The opposition in the state parliament, on the other hand, accused the black-green state government of not doing enough to counteract the shortage of teachers in Hessian schools. Additional positions should not only appear on paper.