Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The Frankfurt artist house Mousonturm opens the coming season with the theater production “The Storyville Mosquito”. The piece will be shown this Monday and Tuesday (30 August). It was a “terrific theater production for big and small, younger and older theater fans,” said the house. From this Thursday (September 1st) the four-day dance festival Random Circles will take place.

From the new season onwards, the Mousonturm will be managed by a dual leadership – by Anna Wagner and Marcus Droß. The previous director and managing director Matthias Pees moved to the capital as director of the Berliner Festspiele. He has been in charge of the Mousonturm since August 2013.

Wagner and Droß move from their own house to the top. Droß has been working there as a dramaturge since 2012, Wagner as a dramaturge since 2014. In the future, the two want to focus even more on dance and performance in the artistic orientation of the Mousonturm.