Frankfurt (dpa/lhe) – Last year, employees in the care of the elderly and sick in Hesse were on sick leave an average of almost eight days more often than other employees. The figures published on Monday are the result of a special evaluation by Techniker Krankenkasse as part of the Health Report 2022.

On average, all employed persons in Hesse were on sick leave for 14.1 days last year, and the nursing staff had 21.6 days. In 2020, the professional group was even more often on sick leave at 22.2 days. The nursing staff were not only sick more often, but also for longer periods of time, as TK announced. The main reasons for this are mental illnesses and musculoskeletal disorders. For the evaluation, the certificates of incapacity for work of almost 500,000 TK-insured employees in Hesse were considered.