Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The city of Frankfurt has launched an online survey on plans for a House of Democracy. This is intended to complement the Paulskirche memorial. The nationwide survey will run until mid-November, the city announced on Wednesday. Citizens could take part in a survey, but they could also bring in their own ideas. The results are to be included in a report by an expert commission on the future of the Paulskirche. The Commission plans to present its final report in early 2023.

In May 2023, the 175th anniversary of the first German National Assembly will be celebrated in the Paulskirche. In 1848/49, the Frankfurt National Assembly drew up the Paulskirche constitution in the Paulskirche, which is considered the first all-German and democratic constitution in Germany. Although it never came into effect, it laid the foundation for later German constitutions.