Wiesbaden/Rödermarck (dpa/lhe) – Police officers proved they had the right instincts during an operation in Rödermark in the Offenbach district and thus convicted a suspected drug dealer. When officers went to a 47-year-old to investigate another matter, they noticed a strong smell of marijuana in the apartment building. The 68-year-old mother of the man tried to hide a bag of drugs, said the State Criminal Police Office of Hesse, the Customs Investigation Office in Frankfurt and the public prosecutor’s office in Darmstadt on Tuesday. The police discovered about 1.5 kilos of cocaine, about 500 grams of hashish and 700 grams of marijuana. A short time later, the 47-year-old, who was not at home, was arrested nearby.

In the basement of the house, the investigators discovered an indoor plantation for marijuana plants during the subsequent search last Wednesday. They also found what they were looking for in their mother’s rooms: There they secured another 200 grams of marijuana, more than 9,000 euros, four high-quality wristwatches and several marijuana seedlings and a “man-high” bush of the drug plant.

Drug investigators from the joint narcotics investigation group of the LKA and the customs investigation office had been tracking the man for several months. The 47-year-old is now in custody on suspicion of illegal trade and importation of narcotics. The mother is at large.