Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – A 25-year-old man in Frankfurt has been sentenced to seven months’ probation for punches and kicks during an alleged car sale. The district court discontinued the proceedings against a co-defendant on Friday for a payment of 750 euros. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

The two men were originally charged with robbery and aggravated assault. According to the indictment, they are said to have lured the 21-year-old prospective buyer to an alleged inspection of the car in a Frankfurt park and abused him there. They then fled with 20,000 euros in cash that the victim had with him.

According to the verdict, however, the evidence was not found to indicate a robbery. Neither the car for sale was seen by anyone nor the allegedly stolen cash, the presiding judge said. Only the mistreatment remained provable. Therefore, only one conviction for dangerous bodily harm could be pronounced.