Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – The left in the Hessian state parliament has also called for health care for people without sufficient health insurance cover. MP Saadet Sönmez reported in the plenary session on Thursday about a homeless woman who died because she did not intervene in time. The black-green state government has announced the introduction of an anonymous treatment certificate, but has not implemented it.

“Hesse needs clearing houses for people without health insurance and an associated treatment fund. This is the only way we can approach the basic right to health care for everyone,” explained Sönmez. The group also campaigned for a health card for refugees.

“We hope that the state government will not test itself dead, but will finally take action,” said SPD MP Daniela Sommer. She accused the state government of resting in the case of people without insurance on the work of volunteers and aid organizations. “Diseases don’t wait for the state government.”

The FDP faction joined the criticism. Black-Green have not yet presented a concept on these topics. The AfD, on the other hand, warned that municipalities should not be expected to bear any further costs. The health system is already overloaded.

Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose (Greens) said that people without health insurance needed low-threshold access to health care. The state government shares this goal and has therefore anchored it in the coalition agreement. It is being worked on intensively. This also applies to a nationwide solution for refugees in Hesse.