Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – After the summer holidays, Hessen’s schools should get the long-planned uniform video conference system for distance learning. There had been delays in the introduction due to a court dispute in the award procedure. Now the “Big Blue Button” tool is to be used for online meetings, as reported by Hessischer Rundfunk (hr) on Tuesday. The system is also used in other federal states such as Baden-Württemberg. The first day of school in Hesse after the summer holidays is September 5th.

According to a spokesman for the Ministry of Education in Wiesbaden, “Big Blue Button” is to be integrated into the Hessian Internet school portal by the end of September. The company German Edge Cloud from Eschborn in the Main-Taunus district will take care of that. It was awarded the contract in a Europe-wide tender.

The Frankfurt Higher Regional Court decided at the end of December 2021 that the first award procedure had to be repeated. Previously, an unsuccessful provider had submitted an application for review. In the meantime, the schools were allowed to continue using the video conferencing systems they were already using.