It is true: In the Corona of a crisis are collected, some of the abuses, such as in a burning glass, and abundantly. The unspeakable conditions in the production and processing of meat include. But most of the actors in the German agricultural policy, you can obviously completely cold. The Hessian Minister of agriculture Priska Hinz (Green) approved in the Federal Council of a regulation, according to which, the illegal practice in the Sows only after transition periods of eight or fifteen years a fundamental change.

The System, which exposes animals to systematically horrible torments, farmers to the edge of Ruin drives, Employees sick, and the industry is not rich, due to the policy of the Greens. But you have to be accused of the “agricultural turnaround”, which is actually necessary to propagate for many years, according to, without truly working towards with the necessary determination. This is certainly the case for the state of Hesse. The posture must adapt to the animals and not Vice versa, is in the electoral programme for the years 2019 to 2024. It follows a full-bodied promise: “Hesse is a pioneer in animal protection in agriculture.”

a view to Saxony-Anhalt

This claim your country a party to be able Hinz is not far to meet. It shows, in such cases, to their defense on a regular basis with the index finger on the national level. But what is in a single state possible, Dalbert impressive Claudia, the green Minister of agriculture in Saxony-Anhalt, pre-power. According to their data, after all, seventy percent of the companies offer, in the meantime, the pigs adequate living conditions. Hinz praises, however, a “compromise” that is so lazy, that other country governments, with the green party refuse to raise their Hand.