The cold arrives and the use of heating becomes essential. Although every year around this time the dilemma arises between staying stiff due to low temperatures or due to the gas and electricity bill, the truth is that it is possible to save on heating without losing comfort. With preparation and maintenance, we can reduce around 25% of the bill over the next few months.

It is recommended to bleed radiators once a year, preferably between September and November. During the months of inactivity, air usually enters the heating system, causing it to not work correctly. By removing air from each radiator, we manage to improve heating performance and reduce energy consumption and the bill.

In addition to purging them, it is advisable to close the taps of the radiators in rooms that are not used regularly, keeping the door closed so that the cold from those rooms does not reach the rest of the home.

It should be remembered that heat must flow without obstacles, so radiators should never be covered. For the same reason, it is not advisable to place large furniture near heat sources.

The temperature for a home to feel comfortable in winter ranges between 19 and 21 degrees Celsius. In the rooms, between 16 and 18 degrees is sufficient, especially at night; When we sleep we feel less cold, thanks in part to the use of duvets and blankets. Calculate that for every degree we increase, heating consumption increases by 7%.

Instead of turning on the boiler when you are cold and turning it off when the house has warmed up, it is more efficient to program it with a thermostat so that it turns on when the temperature drops below 20 degrees during the day.

Double or double-glazed windows with airtight seals are recommended, as they reduce heat loss by up to 40%.

If you have simple glazing, an effective and economical solution is to put adhesive weather stripping on the window frames to block the entry of outside air and thus maintain the interior temperature.

Remember that to ventilate rooms, it is enough to keep the windows open for 10 to 15 minutes. If we keep the windows ajar for a long time, heat constantly leaves the house.

Blinds and curtains are also an important part of saving heat. In the morning they should be left open so that the sun can enter and maintain an adequate temperature in the house. And, as night falls and when temperatures plummet, it is better to lower the blinds and close the curtains. Getting some thermal curtains (with several layers of different fabrics) can be a good option.

In the rooms you have to close the doors. Likewise, rugs are an extra layer of insulation that also offer a very pleasant feel (and style).

It is not necessary to walk around the house in a short T-shirt in winter and with the heating on full blast. Opt for appropriate clothing: wool socks, thermal t-shirts and dressing gowns, embracing the saying ‘I’m warm…’ And on the sofa, the classic blanket. This way we also save some degree or another.