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A video wall divided into different screens that leave no updated numbers, charts, maps, itineraries, keys… it Seems like the control tower of an airport, but it is not. Is the Control Tower of the Seat in its Logistics Center, a new system manager that the data of the 16 million pieces that are needed per day to manufacture around 2.300 cars to be transmitted in real-time .

Connected with the innovation : In just 26 weeks in the Logistics Centre of the Seat have started a pioneering project with which you through an application, manage in real time the exact location of each one of the parts that make up a car, connected with the needs of production. “It will be the first time that Seat will have real-time information on material flow, alerts, transit, and consumption of materials of production. The information that previously took us hours to get and many phone calls, now it will be updated in seconds,” says the director of the project, David Castilla .

200.000 key data for the day updated in real time : A car is a puzzle in which all parts are essential, so it is key to know where is each one and if you will arrive on time. “We seek to control everything possible, from stock of the supplier until the events of the production line, transport and logistics centres,” says Castilla. In addition, these data are the basis for the use of the predictive tools and to be able to fix any problems before they occur. “This pioneering project of the Seat demonstrates the ability of the logistics team and production in the development of the digital transformation of our processes. It has been a great effort, but we can say that after 26 weeks we have taken a big leap in which our customers will benefit by knowing all the important information about the status of your vehicle and delivery times”, says Dr. Christian Vollmer , vice president of Production and Logistics Seat.

Shortening times : With this pioneering system, the goal in the near future is to decrease the delivery time of the orders. “The buyer will be part of the planning process, and may even indicate color changes of the car before they paint or assemble specific parts. This process will allow us to better understand what actually customers want and transform the supply chain to adapt it and direct it to what they need,” says Enric Martí , responsible for Logistics of Seat.

More efficiency, less CO2 : Another big beneficiary is the environment, since one of the objectives of this project is to improve the itineraries of transportation of materials. To this end they have created an application that locate to the carriers, allowing them to interact in real-time. The application included the first predictive ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). In future phases of the project they want to implement predictive tools of climate in order to offer alternative routes and shortening the time on the road. Routes more efficient and with less CO2 emissions.

Innovation Day : This implementation has brought them to be selected in the Innovation Day of the Seat, which recognize the most innovative projects of the company powered by its employees. “At this stage we have managed to provide for needs of the line with a lot of anticipation. The direct benefit is to the client, as it will make sure the delivery time to know with certainty that parts of your car will be in the expected date of its manufacture,” says the director of the project.