For ten years, singer Markus suffered from the nervous disease trigeminal neuralgia. That’s why he sometimes falls “out of his feet in the middle of the pedestrian zone”. The Neue Deutsche Welle star finally has an operation on his head – and is finally happy again.

The Neue Deutsche Welle star Markus has suffered from the nervous disease trigeminal neuralgia for over ten years. This was revealed by the musician “Bild am Sonntag”. About the pain attacks that occur in the face as a result of the disease, he told the newspaper: “I had seizures in which I fell out of my shoes in the middle of the pedestrian zone and suddenly lay on the ground.” After the diagnosis, he was “medicated” and “received the strongest painkillers. The tablets dampened the autonomic nervous system,” he said.

In 2019, a specialist from the Mainz University Hospital was able to help the singer, who was born Markus Mörl. The expert advised him to have an operation. “It lasted six hours. It went into my head from the back, then turned to my spinal cord. There, the nerve cord was coated with a Teflon layer so that the veins could no longer trigger the stimulus. When I woke up, the pain was gone and didn’t come back either. I have a hundred percent more zest for life now,” said the singer.

The fact that Markus is already doing much better is also represented by his new album. His management writes on his website: “With ‘Summer of the 80s’, a single will follow shortly before the release of his new album, which so wonderfully expresses what you often think as a child of the 80s, but perhaps say less often: ‘I wants you back…’ A tribute to a decade, an attitude to life and pure good humor.”

Markus celebrated great success in the 1980s with hits like “I want fun” or “Little flashlight burn”. The singer was also seen in some TV shows. In 2017, for example, he took part in “Das Sommerhaus der Stars” together with his partner Yvonne König. The pair placed fourth. Three years later, the two married in front of the RTLzwei television cameras.