Thousands of people carrying Palestinian flags and chanting slogans against Israel’s war in Gaza marched Saturday, January 20, in Madrid and other Spanish cities to demand a ceasefire and “an end to the genocide in Palestine.” In the center of the Spanish capital, some 25,000 people, according to the government, marched between Atocha station and Cibèle square.

The leading banner, in the colors of the Palestinian flag, called on the Spanish government to “end the arms trade and relations with Israel.” Some protesters held signs reading “Stop genocide” in English.

The demonstrations, called by the Solidarity Network platform against the occupation of Palestine, with the slogan “Let’s stop the genocide in Palestine”, also took place in other major Spanish cities, including Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Seville.

One of the most critical voices in Europe

Within the European Union, Spain has been one of the most critical voices towards Israel in the conflict generated by the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, which left 1,140 people dead. dead, mostly civilians.

Since then, Israeli military operations in Gaza have left 24,927 dead, the majority of them women, children and adolescents, according to a new report Saturday from the Hamas health ministry.

In November, Israel recalled its ambassador to Spain for consultations, after comments deemed “scandalous” by the socialist Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez. The latter had notably requested “strict respect for international humanitarian law, which today is clearly not respected” in Gaza. The Israeli ambassador returned to Madrid in January.