Hundreds of towns in northeastern Syria have been without power since Sunday evening following Turkish strikes on power plants, the Kurdish autonomous administration announced Monday, January 15. The Kurdish administration, counting six targeted power plants, condemns the “unjustified” attacks and “Turkish aggression.”

On Monday evening, the Kurdish administration further claimed that all water pumping stations in the Kameshliyé region were now “out of order,” following the strikes on power plants. Journalists from Agence France-Presse witnessed the intervention of firefighters in the Kamechliyé power plant.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in the United Kingdom and which has an extensive network of sources in Syria, reported that a seventh power station had been targeted later on Monday.

Yasser Sleiman, head of the Kurdish administration, called on Russia and the countries of the international coalition led by the United States “to put an end to Turkish aggression against our regions and the targeting of civilians.”

Ankara, for its part, claimed to have carried out strikes against Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq and Syria, after the death of nine Turkish soldiers in an attack carried out on Friday against a Turkish military base in northern Iraq. .

The Turkish army claimed to have targeted dozens of targets since Saturday, “in accordance with our rights to self-defense”, including “bases, depots and gas factories” used by the People’s Protection Units and by fighters. of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Turkey, which considers these two armed groups as terrorists, regularly targets the rear bases of Kurdish fighters in Syria and the PKK in northern Iraq, who have been waging a guerrilla war against the Turkish state since 1984.