At least five migrants, including a child, died during an attempt to cross the Channel on the night of Monday April 22 to Tuesday April 23 at Wimereux beach (Pas-de-Calais), the Agence France-Presse (AFP) from a police source, confirming information from La Voix du Nord.

Three helicopters from the emergency medical aid service (SAMU) and rescue boats are mobilized for searches which are still ongoing, according to the regional daily, which specifies that around a hundred migrants have already been recovered aboard a tugboat. intervention of the national navy, and will be deposited at the port of Boulogne.

The last tragedy dates back to March 3 with the drowning death of a 7-year-old girl in the Aa canal in Watten (North) while she was on a small boat with fifteen other migrants. On the night of January 13 to 14, five migrants, including a 14-year-old Syrian teenager, died in Wimereux, while trying to reach a boat already at sea in water at 9 degrees.