The “informer affair” of the former Eschborner mayor Mathias Geiger could be finished after eight years. On Tuesday, the Frankfurt regional court halved the penalty against him was about to 14.700 Euro. However, the decision is not yet final.

Geiger, which had been adopted in the first process due to the excessive length of the proceedings, one third of the sentence, had appealed against the conviction in November of 2018, however, the Revision and before the Federal court of justice to get. While the judges confirmed the charges of betrayal of secrets, they demanded to check the facts of violation of tax secrecy once again.

In question was in the process on Tuesday before a different chamber of the district court, therefore, only whether or not a violinist, as he was in his time as the first city Council on nocturnal wanderings through the city hall documents to be photographed and copied, as “public officials” within the meaning of the criminal standard, on-the-go. This the court denied on Tuesday, so that Geiger was spoken in this charge free.

Except for official classified information and personal documents of the employees, the insolvency plan of the football club FC Eschborn and plans for the renovation of the town hall photographed Geiger also tax bills from. The Material he handed over to a lawyer, this led to a journalist who published excerpts.