Instagram has refused to be a toxic platform for adolescents and contribute to the creation of body image problems, in response to an investigation on the subject published by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), and has affirmed that most young girls with
Problems consuls Instagram helps them instead of harming them.

A report published by WSJ in mid-September alerted the existence of an internal report on which Instagram had knowledge in March 2020 that pointed out the negative impact that comparisons could have in adolescent users of the social network.

The investigation of Instagran collected that “32 percent of teenage girls said that when they felt bad with their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse,” said WSJ, who came to qualify as “toxic” platform for adolescents.

Now, Facebook, owner of Instagram, has responded to this research with a statement and has assured that “it is not accurate” by saying that Instagram is a toxic social network for young girls.
It has also revealed new data from March 2020 research and from other recent on the subject.

First, Facebook has been killed the WSJ data and has affirmed that only among the minors who said of having body image problems, 32 percent believed that Instagram made it worse, and not one in three of all user adolescents,
As it suggested initially.

Adolescents affected by 11 problems of 12 areas studied, including loneliness, anxiety, sadness and food disorders, said Instagram not only did not make them get worse but made them better.

The body image was the only one of the 12 areas analyzed in which adolescent girls manifested feeling worse after using Instagram, although “Most teenagers with body image problems assured Instagram made them improve (22 percent) or not
He had an impact (45 percent), “according to the American company.

Facebook has also highlighted that the March 2020 research data came only from a study of 40 adolescent girls, so it had “limitations”, and that its purpose was to “report internal conversations about the most negative perceptions of Instagram of the

Likewise, the Company has referred to another study carried out by Pew Research in which most adolescents affirm that social networks have positive effects, with 81 percent that ensures that it helps them connect.

At the same time, this research collects that 43 percent of adolescents claim to feel pressure to publish content that makes them ‘look good’ in front of others.