Instagram has complemented the panel ‘your activity’, where previously the time dedicated to the social network appeared, with new tools that from now on manage and order the interactions in the account, as well as visualize both the content that has been uploaded to the profile
Like the comments and ‘I like’ made to other users.

The social network began working on the new tools of this button last December and announced that they would be available for all users in January.
However, it has not been until this Tuesday, February 8 when he has launched him, on the occasion of the International Security Internet Day.

Previously, from the option ‘Your activity’, which is located in the profile configuration section, located at the top right, users could know the daily average time dedicated to the use of the application from a conreto device during the last week

To have a broader control of activity in the account, Instagram has added more tools with which the contents can be administered in block (Publications, Stories, IGTV and REELS) and proceed to your file or deletion, as well as know the interactions
With other accounts.

In this way, it is possible to access the comments that have been made to other users, to the reactions to their stores or the ‘I like’ that they have pressed on the publications, as well as order and filter these interactions by ranges of dates or days
Concrete, According to Instagram in a statement.

Other options offered are the search for content that has recently been removed or archived and consulting the search history and visited links.
In addition, it presents the possibility of downloading a copy of the information that has been shared in the social network.

For this, it is only necessary to add an email account, where a link will be sent to a file with the photos, comments, profile information from which you have been requested and other data.
In this space, the social network informs that it is possible that it is too much until 48 hours to collect and send all the information.

It has become viral in recent days, in addition, an Instagram functionality to meet mental health problems.
It is enough to write in the search engine of the depression, anxiety, suicide, anorexia, bulimia, among other conditions, and immediately you will deploy an option to request the required care.

It is also possible to access the so-called ‘state of the account’, where those publications made that violate Instagram policies appear, such as those that include inappropriate content.

In this space, present in the configuration menu, it is possible to discover what it could be for the user to have uploaded an image or video that violates its policies, as well as what to do if the platform withdraws one of these publications.

If users consider Instagram erroneously withdrawn a particular content because their system has detected that it presents offensive content or because it has received a complaint by another user, they can appeal and request a review.

These denunciations are anonymous, so those affected will not be able to know who has interposed them, except for those cases in which they are related to infractions of intellectual property.

The complainants will be able to know the status of the claims from the configuration menu and review the possibilities offered by the platform to silence, block, restrict or stop following the denounced user and also request a new revision of the content denounced in the case of not being
According to the measures taken for Instagram.

In addition, from this section it is reported that if any of the publications puts at risk the community of the social network, Instagram reserves the right to deactivate the corresponding account without prior notice.

Another news that includes this update is Security Checkup, a security verification feature presented in July of last year and to which all users of the social network already have access.

This solution guides users through different steps to follow to protect their account, including verification of login activity, profile information checking, confirmation of accounts that share data from
Login and update contact information for account recovery.

In addition, to increase the safety of accounts, the social network has launched the authentication in two steps, an option that is already available in some countries using whatsapp (also owned by goal, facebook matrix).

Two-step authentication is a security function that helps protect access to Instagram.
Once configured, the user will receive a notification or you will be asked for a login code when someone attempts to access the account from an unrecognized device.

To use this method, authentication can be enabled with the telephone number or an application intended for this purpose, such as Duo Mobile or Google ATHENTication.
In addition, it is possible that in Instagram accounts managed by several people are enabled two-step authentication on various devices.

On the other hand, Instagram has announced that it is testing a new form of account recovery through friends accounts, with the aim that those users who lose access to their profiles request the confirmation of their identity to their friends.