The Justice for the Civil Guard (JUCIL) association has requested, through a statement, that the Interior and Foreign Affairs commissions in the Congress of Deputies investigate “immediately” the responsibilities “of mismanagement and the migratory disaster” caused in the Río Tajo patrol boat, an “old tugboat” belonging to the Armed Institute.

On board her are traveling, in “deplorable hygienic conditions” according to JUCIL, the 168 immigrants rescued from a canoe off Mauritania controlled by thirty civil guards and five crew members. “The progress is very slow because this old boat sails at a maximum speed of 11 knots (about 20 km/h)”, said the Secretary of Communication, Agustín Leal.

Beyond the “mismanagement that has been observed for the resolution of the problem by Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency)”, the association has indicated that it awaits explanations from the Spanish authorities through the parliamentary commissions to clarify “how and who has given the equivocal orders” that have allowed migrants to remain for more than a week on board a ship without conditions to support them. “In addition to the riot, controlled by the comrades through the use of shots into the air from long weapons, we are concerned about the hygiene and health situation of these workers, although no ministry seems to be interested in their situation,” Leal argued.

In addition, JUCIL trusts that the mission of this crew, which has lasted much longer than expected “and takes place in deplorable conditions of lack of food and hygienic and sanitary conditions”, will culminate after the disembarkation of the migrants in Senegal. “We hope that the comrades can control any new attempt at mutiny and that there are no difficulties on the part of Senegal for the reception of these people,” said the communication secretary.

The association also hopes that the members of this crew, “who have been subjected to strong pressure” during these days “will be adequately cared for” when the vessel returns to the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.