The international Festival Theater der Welt will take place in the summer of 2023 in Frankfurt and Offenbach. The Schauspiel Frankfurt, the künstlerhaus Mousonturm and the Frankfurt Museum of Applied art will be the responsibility of the Festival on an equal footing. This combination of art forms is there to be the first Time in the history of the prestigious festival, which is awarded by the German centre of the International theatre Institute (ITI), and in 1981 was founded.
The Festival is from 29. June to 16. July 2023 in the city of Frankfurt-Offenbach take place. Mousonturm-Director Matthias Pees said, the provisionally-calculated Budget deck for around 4.4 million Euro. The Federal government is expected to make 800,000 Euro of base funding available, a further third set, traditionally, the province and the municipality, the host. Frankfurt’s head of Cultural Affairs, Ina Hartwig (SPD) presented a Million euros. The Hessian Minister of culture, Angela thorn (Green) wanted to call because of the budget period, no concrete sum. A circle of friends of Frankfurt’s citizens, wants to attract donations, is to be founded.
for the First time, the Festival will combine performing and visual arts, in addition, the focus should be expanded to young audiences in cooperation with the children’s and youth theatre centre in the Federal Republic clearly. Participation of different urban residents, especially people with a migration background, the Opening of the urban space, internationality and democracy are part of the concept, which has set itself against numerous competitors. Frankfurt, the President of the German ITI, Joachim Lux, is going to the German metropolis in which globalization is most visible. The concept, different Communities, and urban areas in an interdisciplinary manner to engage, have convinced.
acting artistic Director Anselm Weber, Mousonturm Director of Pees and Museum Director Matthias Wagner K will be equal to the directorship authorized to assume. Until the fall of to international will be according to a program Directorate sought, which should preferably consist of two persons, and with several curators, the Festival prepared with local actors. The “documenta of the theatre,” as Wagner K said, not only in the City theatre, the Bockenheimer Depot and numerous other theatres. In addition to the urban space as a stage, the Museum of Applied art for the Festival to be a “Performing Arts Center”. Pees language of inter-nationality, which arise not only to the outside, through travel, but also internally, by the search for the world in front of the door. This show just by the travel restrictions due to the Corona pandemic. to ensure

in order To sustainability for the Region, undertake the houses, the whole of the festival year round and, in addition, to align their programmes to the priorities of the Theater of the world. The Festival should not be a Ufo, the back get out: “There is no Festival that can create a strong identity like this,” said acting artistic Director Anselm Weber, the Theater der Welt 2010 in Essen, Mühlheim has curated.

The Festival was supposed to take place this year in Düsseldorf, it has been postponed due to the Corona pandemic to 2021.