The Rome correspondent for the Argentine newspaper La Nación, Elisabetta Piqué, has published the first images of Pope Francis at the Gemelli hospital, where the Pontiff is hospitalized for a lung infection.

In the images, from the Holy See’s press office, the pope is seen baptizing a baby and speaking with parents and hospital nurses. The Pope has visited the oncology floor of the hospital, has brought gifts and has baptized a newborn -Michelangelo- a few days old.

In both the photos and the video, Pope Francis is seen looking good and with a walker.

According to Corriere della Sera, during his visit the Pope brought chocolate eggs, rosaries and copies of the book “Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea” to the young patients.

The Vatican spokesman, Matteo Bruni, confirmed to the Correire that Francis is better: “This morning, after breakfast, he read some newspapers and went back to work.” After all, yesterday “the day passed well, with a normal clinical course,” he explained: “In the evening, Pope Francis had dinner, eating pizza, together with those who are assisting him in these days of hospitalization: with the Holy Father were present the doctors, nurses, assistants and personnel of the Gendarmerie”. Bruni also confirmed that “Pope Francis is scheduled to be present in Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday for the celebration of Palm Sunday.”

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