The coalition government has decided a distribution of State investment for 2022 that consolidates Catalonia as the first recipient and above the other two most populated communities: Andalusia and Madrid.
Both are penalized compared to the so-called “territorial distribution of real public investment investment” in the State Budget Draft for 2022.

Both in absolute figures and in terms per inhabitant the investment planned for Catalonia surpasses Andalusia, despite suffering 30% less per capita income and has a greater population and surface.
The Government budgets 2,430 million in Catalonia, which is equivalent to 312 euros per inhabitant, 16% than for each Andalusian.
The growth of investment in Catalonia is 5.6% compared to 2021 and 80% compared to the 1,351 million assigned in 2018 in the last budget of Mariano Rajoy.

In that last budget of the PP, Andalusia was the main recipient with 1,486 million, but this community, one of the least prosperous of Spain, passed to the second place in the first budget of Peter Sánchez of 2021 and is still the same in the project for 2022,
Because at the figure of Catalonia, 200 million annually must be added by a sentence of the Supreme on arrears of the Zapatero stage that the current Government interprets that it must meet Rajatabla.
The President of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno criticized the treatment given to the community of him for “disappointing”.

Also in the Government of the PP of Isabel Díaz Ayuso are taken as a “punishment” the distribution of investment, according to sources of the hacienda counseling.
In absolute figures, investment in Catalonia bends to that of Madrid, which lowers 8.4% compared to 2021 and remains at 1,151 million.
This figure is less than the 1,255 million that received the community in the last budget of Rajoy.

In terms per inhabitant, the bet of Sánchez by Catalonia is 83% higher than that planned for Madrid.
It also exceeds by 30% the assigned to the Valencian Community in proportion the population.
The community that presides over Socialist Ximo Puig surpasses that of Madrid and reaches 1.208 million, compared to 1,165 of 2021.

The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, nuanced the figures on Wednesday, noting that there are another 6,220 million that affect several communities and, therefore, are not assignable to one, but that, in his opinion, particularly benefit the community of
Conversely, projects that benefit more than one community are accounted for in regional.
This is the case of the Community of Murcia, which according to its hacienda counseling, is fictitiously well stopped by assigning Montero 340 million for the construction of S-80 submarine in the shipyards of its territory.

The Minister justified the commitment to Catalonia for “compliance with the statut”, although the Constitutional Court sentenced that the Courts should not be tied to the provisions of Autonomy Statutes.
She regretted that the demands in the Statutes “do not add a hundred”, but that the government should be adapted to this legislation.

The Montero prizes in the cast begin to work to get votes for budgets.
Junts per Catalonia announced that it opens to negotiate them but advocated forming a “Catalan Block” with Esquerra to scratch more during processing.
Also the Nationalist Block Galego congratulated the increase for Galicia.
At the press conference in the lower house, its deputy, Néstor Rego, noted that the new accounts provide for 1,074 million euros, 242 million more than in 2021, and exceeding one billion, the marked threshold to decide whether they would present amendment to the

However, the minister practically freezes the departure for Cantabria, which provoked protests yesterday.
The national deputy of the Regionalist Party of Cantabria, José María Mazón, considered that there are “important shortcomings” in the intended investments, but he bet that it is “a mistake”.

At the press conference of the budgets, Montero is Avino to negotiate improvements during processing.
He assumed that there will be “more pretensions” of the nationalists, but asked them to be only of a budgetary nature.