Perhaps he has never raised it, but maybe in a few years he lives in a feminist house, designed and created to end the “gender inequalities and promote family reconciliation and co-responsibility in care.”
If you reside in the Valencian community or in Euskadi, your chances increase.
Both communities are advancing in the creation of guides and norms that address the design of housing from the gender perspective, providing a set of recommendations for the integration of relevant aspects of the “feminist architecture”, which will begin by public housing to finish
I also impregnate the private sector.

What is a feminist house?
That that favors in daily life the task of care and family reconciliation and work, but also to provide security to women.
The practical translation of this definition has been collected for the first time in Europe the Conselleria of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture of the Valencian Government in a guide of proposals that will be taken into account from public housing pilot project bidding processes and
, progressively, will be extended to the whole sector by providing guidelines, suggestions and recommendations.
In the case of Euskadi, many of these recommendations will be reflected in the habitability decree that its government lasts and that will be forced compliance.

In this guide, prepared by the director of the Unesco Gender Chair of the Politècnica de Madrid, Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, and the Urbanism Professor of the School of Architecture of the Politècnica de València, Inés Novella, a series of standards are collected
They give clues.
“It is not a list of recipes, but we do seek to look and apply the gender perspective. Architecture is a brick more on the feminism wall,” he explains to the Novella world, who does not believe that adapt homes to this look
Female is conditioning that the role of women as a caregiver.

“We go to the co-responsibility, but the incorporation of men to care goes much slower than that of women to work. Statistically, even in 2022, it is a task of women and what we intend is to support that feminine reality,
Support women in their daily lives to make it easier to reconcile everything. The goal is to put everything easier to the caregiver, be a woman or man, and care, “he recalls.

A feminist housing, as a principle, must be adapted to the model of each family, to its activity, especially with the landing of teleworking, and must be prepared to adapt and respond to your needs in the different phases of life.
That is why the bedrooms should have 10-12 square meters and be all similar, so as not to create hierarchies and favor a day can be shared or changed.
That is why no one should have an integrated bathroom.
In the toilets it must primate that they can be used at the time by more than one person, isolating the toilet of the rest of the stay, and, at least one of the house, should be fully accessible.
Another important aspect is that they have light and natural ventilation.

The kitchen is no longer conceived as an isolated space from the rest of the day zone but it is recommended its connection with the dining room, spatially or visually allowing interrelation.
None of orientations to indoor patios without natural light.
It should be less at least seven square meters, with three linear banks, and a good storage capacity aligned in a way that favors autonomy, for example, of minors.
But the essential thing is that it can be used simultaneously by more than one person.

Feminist architecture, and this guide, especially look at dignifying a task that does not even have space in homes: La Colada.
A feminist house has to have a space of at least three square meters to locate the washer, dryer, ironing board or dirty clothes.
In addition, accessible and connected to the outer space, without being semi-cute and difficult access.

These recommendations add the storage space, 1.5 meters per person, generous openings to the facade, to facilitate light and cross ventilation, and in addition terraces or balconies of 1.20 meters that allow outdoor activities
How to eat, study or play.
This is one of the most claimed issues in the pandemic and that led the Generalitat to be fixed as a goal to meet in six months the edition of this manual.
“It has shown us to what extent the quality and architectural characteristics of housing can cause the quality of life and gave visibility to many inequalities that with this perspective enhanced the solution,” recalls the third Vice President and Housing Conseller, Héctor Illueca.

The guide also refers to common areas, which should also take into account the safety element.
“This is especially affected by women. Given the increase in violence that need protection in the environment built to eliminate risk perception,” says the architect.
That goes through curses without corners or hiding places, with natural light and glazed doors, garages with skylights or communication between homes as a manner, with open corridors.

Space for trolleys, bikes, children’s areas or socialization in community are essential as interrelation spaces to weave support networks and create community, although it should be without losing relationship with the environment.
“You have to know how to hook these communities to each environment, because it is not about taking out the life of the street to lock it up in a neighborhood community,” says Novella.

This guide has a perfect landing in the new building of buildings or whole neighborhoods, just a model that in large cities is less.
“The trend is to regenerate and rehabilitate consolidated neighborhoods, but it is a perfect tool to encourage a new look at the reconversion of all spaces,” she sentence.