After one of the most dramatic days in the history of Israel and the start of a general strike agreed in an unprecedented way by the union and the company, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced the postponement of the judicial reform plan that he has been agitating for thirteen years. weeks a country split in two.

Netanyahu’s decision to dismiss Defense Minister Yoav Galant on Sunday for requesting the pause that he himself has declared today sparked such widespread protests that they force him to freeze the controversial project that would weaken the judiciary before the Government. The objective now is to achieve a broader consensus to approve it in the next parliamentary period that begins on April 31 and ends at the end of July.

“Out of national responsibility and the desire to avoid a split among the people, I decided to suspend the second and third voting on the law now to give time and try to reach a broad agreement in the next Knesset,” Netanyahu proclaimed, alluding to the proposal that he conceded. majority to the coalition to appoint the next two judges and the president of the Supreme Court (TS) and that they were going to vote before the parliamentary recess on April 2.

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