A passer-by found a suspicious package in a wise car parked in the Prati district and alerted authorities, Corriere dello Sport reported. The place was particularly crowded due to the upcoming match in Olimpico Stadium.

A bomb squad came on the scene shortly before 6 p.m. local time and visitors shut down from the surrounding area.

Authorities successfully defused the bomb and nobody was injured. Authorities said the bomb appeared to have been home made.

The Rome-based Il Messaggero paper reported that the bomb consisted of a cylinder of gunpower, together with shrapnel embedded and electric wires.

Investigators determined the car belonged to Marco Andrea Doria, president of the board for the redevelopment of parks and historic villas in Rome.

It was uncertain if the car bomb had any connection to the tournament.

Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi noted that the seriousness of this situation, composing on Twitter she was in”solidarity” with Doria.

The match between Italy and Switzerland proceeded at 7:45 p.m. local time. An investigation is continuing.