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The playwright Itziar Pascual has been awarded today with the National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth, corresponding to 2019, a recognition that for the first time has been awarded to a playwright. This award, granted annually by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, through the National Institute of Scenic Arts and Music (INAEM), is endowed with 30,000 euros.

The jury, as reported by the ministry itself, has proposed the granting of this award to Itziar Pascual “by its undisputed value as a playwright contemporary with its themes and stories it manages to connect with realities close through a language that is elegant, beautiful, cultured, and poetic”. In addition, the jury wanted to highlight “their way of approaching the experiences of children and youth from a complex view, that delves into their hopes, struggles and sorrows” and has underlined “his role as an educator and researcher specifically in the childhood and the youth”.

The National Award in Performing Arts for Childhood and Youth and reward the meritorious work of a person or entity in the field of performing arts for children and youth, sunset manifesto preferably through a work or performance made public or represented during the year 2018.


Playwright, pedagogue, researcher and journalist, Itziar Pascual Ortiz (Madrid, 1967) is doctor in Information Sciences by the Complutense University of Madrid and holds a degree in Dramaturgy by the RESAD, where she is professor since 1999. Author of more than thirty published works, translated and released in several countries, including his creations for children include “Chewing on nettles” (Award ASSITEJ-Spain), “Air vanilla” (XXIV Contest of the Escuela Navarra de Teatro) and “Ainhara” (Award Luis Barahona de Soto). With his work “The life of the salmon”, published in Soup Books, has won the Prize SGAE of Theatre for Children 2015. Also, it has obtained the Prize of Teatro Serantes with the peace of The twilight; the Prize Madrid South Wall; and the Premio Valle-Inclán with “Variations on Rosa Parks”, among others. Other dramatic texts of Easter are “Miauless”, “A rainy night”, “Stranded” (Theatre Prize Torreperogil), “Pére Lachaise” and “Lullaby and good-bye.”

As a journalist he has worked in radio (Cadena Ser), newspapers (The Globe), department of communication (XII International Theatre Festival of Madrid) and magazines (First Act, Dimensioning, Insula, and Scene –magazine, who also directed between 1998 and 1999–). It has also given conferences dedicated to the Spanish theatre at universities and symposiums in Spain, France, Portugal, Venezuela, Bolivia, the united States and Morocco, and from the year 2000 to 2003, he was president of the Association of Women in the Performing Arts of Madrid (AMAEM) Marias Warriors, an entity of which he is a founding partner.


The jury, chaired by the director general of the National Institute of Scenic Arts and Music (INAEM), Amaya de Miguel, and acting as vice president, deputy general director of Theatre of the INAEM, Fernando Cerón Sánchez-Puelles, has been composed of the following members: María José Frias Arevalillo, creator of the Puppet company of Mary Parrato (National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth 2016); Ana Isabel Gallego Redondo, the Theatre company Teloncillo (National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth, 2013); Enrique Lanz San Román, director of the Puppet Company Etcetera; Juan Antonio López Berzal, director and founding member of the Company’s Grocery of Lucas ( National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth 2015), Pilar López López, a founding member of Theatre Paradise; professor Rosa San Segundo Manuel, at the proposal of the University Institute of Gender Studies of the University Carlos III of Madrid, and Ana Meabe Anacabe, on behalf of the Company Marie de Jongh (National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth, 2018).

award-Winning in previous editions

In other editions, the prize has been awarded to leading companies and personalities, among others, The Puppeteers of Binéfar (2009), Aracaladanza (2010), The Rous Theatre (2011), Teatro Paraiso (2012), Machine Theatrical Teloncillo S. L (2013), the Puppet Company, etcétera (2014), the Company’s Grocery of Lucas (2015), María José Frias Arevalillo (2016), Pupaclown (2017) and the company Marie de Jongh (2018).