Finding Elixir de la Eternal Youth is an ambition as old as a dodge for humanity.
Can you get the best brains of science united with that sole purpose?
Perhaps we know the response of the hand of the High Biotechnology company.
Here a group of reputable scientists and Nobel Awards adds their experience to advance the knowledge of cellular rejuvenation as a strategy with which to stop and reverse the agency’s deterioration over the age.
One of those brains is the Spanish scientist Juan Carlos Izpisua, who speaks for the first time since he left the Salk Institute to start a new stage in this organization.
Izpisúa is now the director of the High Science Institute in San Diego (California), one of the scientific institutes that the biotechnology has launched, at the moment in the area of the San Francisco Bay (United States) and in Cambridge (
United Kingdom).

Despite what has been said about tall, the researcher nuances that an anti-aging company was not absolute or seek that the human being alive one hundred years more. In contrast, they investigate in how by rejuvenation of cells and tissues, the processes of the disease and the deterioration associated with aging can be stopped. Today the Journal Nature Aging publishes a group experiment that Izpisua directed in the Salk and that is a more step towards that goal. The work, from which he is also main co-author The researcher at Salk Pradeep Reddy, has been carried out in collaboration with Genentech and the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). The study shows in mice how the administration of a cocktail of cellular reprogramming factors in healthy animals of median age is not associated with an increase in cancer or other health problems, and also discusses certain signs of aging. Izpisua trusts that the advances and translation to the clinic reach before thanks to the formula with which high aims to combine the best of the academy and the industry.