One hundred students representing four CE1-CE2 classes from Angeac-Charente to Hiersac, Sigogne, Merignac and Merignac attended the closing show. They were part of six sessions that were held in class and at Jarnac’s media library. Adrien Letzer coordinated the Cultural Routes program and presented a poster on the theme of Grand Cognac.
Titled “Mare!” Pond! Pond! Pond!
Carole Hobard performed an interactive show (1) that delighted young audiences. “A game for Coco and Zaza. She is the victim of unrelated instructions, reproaches, or unpleasant remarks at school. A seagull acts as her witness. Stories of adventure told with enthusiasm, talent and emotion. The media library has an exhibition of children’s artworks that will be open until June 17th (free entry).
(1) Each class sang a part of a song they had written and was set to music by Carole Hobard. “Everyone can… Everybody has …”,” was the message. Alain Pennec, musician, was accompanying them.