The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has announced the immediate shipment of 800 million dollars (some 728 million euros) to Ukraine so that that country is defended by the Russian invasion.

Biden has even signed before the television cameras the order by virtue of which the armament transfer will be made.
It is a climbing in the conflict by the United States, since, among the defense systems that will receive the besieged Government of Ukraine are long-range anti-aircraft missiles and unmanned aircraft (drones) that will be intended for tasks of
Espionage and recognition as attack against Russian forces.

Biden, however, has been redoubtedly refused to access the demands made by the Ukrainian president Volodimir Zelinski, who had just three hours before had supplied to the US Congress the delivery of aircraft and the establishment of an air exclusion area over his country
where you can not fly aircraft or Russian missiles.

With the new shipment of weapons, the United States will have approved the shipment to Ukraine of military equipment worth 1,050 million dollars only this week, since before Washington had decided to send weapons for 250 million more.
Another Biden material announced that Ukrainians will receive, although it occupies less headlines, is equally significant: more than 25,009 uniforms and systems and equipment to process and obtain intelligence in the battlefield.