“They have been denouncing to the Defender of the Minor of the Community of Madrid and the Ombudsman arguing a possible crime of hatred.”
John del Val counts in a shared post this Monday on Instagram, in which he regrets that “he has insisted that I have fostered the bullying, someone wrote that if they hit their son at school I would be guilt, and others speak
From my responsibility to possible suicides of adolescents. ”

The controversy jumped last week as a result of his intervention in Pablo Motos’ program, in which the popular writer, scriptwriter and presenter habitually collaborate with the ‘the controversial’ section.
In a jocular tone, Juan del Val joked about the arguments that some parents use to justify the bad notes of their children.

“When the child suspends and the parents say ‘the child suspended because it is overcluded.’ Maybe, no … is that as it is so intelligent, it is bored” … there is not one who suspends because it is a
Vagus, is that it has high capacities … “John Juan del Val entered laughter.” The child is superbated, the child has high ability to touch … “, he suggested later.

His words generated many reactions and some of an open criticism in social networks for his words about high-capabilities children (AACC).

Juan del Val wanted to zanjar the controversy with a first publication on Instagram in which he assured that “with what I did IRonicĂ© yesterday is not with the children of AACC, but with parents who say their children have them without having them.”

The argument collaborator explained why no rectification was necessary.
“I’m sorry for some parents’ pain, but I can not rectify for having laughed at children, just because I have not done it, neither with AACC nor any condition, that would never do it even in a context of humor.”

“I was a child with a resounding school failure as a result of my difference, also without diagnosing, and that the educational system did not understand, I was expelled from that system that always placed me in the row of the clumsy, of the vagues, in short
“The bad ones”. I know perfectly what I’m talking about, “he added in a personal tone.

But this same Monday Juan del Val noted the complaints presented against him in another publication on Instagram in which he accused of “overactitude” who have accused him of laughing at children.
“The goal is to build a truth based on repeating one and a thousand times that ‘has laughed children who suffer’ Who can defend against an accusation like that?”

“A rectification has been demanded to the program, to the chain and me, asking for my dismissal. And, as a striking anecdote,” I leave it in anecdote, “the manager of networks of El Anthill had to close an account in which someone threatened with.
“Flying me with the brains” … “, sheds the collaborator of the popular antenna space 3.

“The important thing is to reflect on the danger of building a society in which the offended always is right for the fact of feeling offended. So, how much more is most indisputable will be his arguments,” said the popular presenter.