The judge of the National Court in charge of the so-called Morodo case, which is investigating the more than 4.5 million euros that the former Spanish ambassador in Caracas Raúl Morodo (during the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero) and his inner circle intimate they would have received from the Venezuelan oil company PDVSA, has agreed to send the former ambassador to trial. The Prosecutor’s Office requests for him a sentence of three years and six months in prison and a fine of 378,700 euros for crimes against the Public Treasury.

In the opening order of the oral trial of the magistrate of the Central Court of Instruction number 1, Alejandro Abascal, to which Europa Press has had access, it is indicated that the son of former ambassador Alejo Morodo and the his wife, Ana Catalina Varandas, for the alleged crimes of fraud against the Public Treasury that they would have committed between 2013 and 2017.

For these two, the prison requests from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office are higher. Thus, both Alejo Morodo and Ana Catalina Varandas are interested in eight years and six months and fines that are close to four million euros for each one.

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