The Government raises the tone in the face of Junts’ attacks on members of the Judiciary from the Congress of Deputies. The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, has shown this Thursday her “most absolute rejection” of the criticism of the Junts spokesperson in Congress of judges of the Supreme Court “with names and surnames”, something that she has considered “unacceptable.”

Hours later, the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Justice, Félix Bolaños, described it as “intolerable from a democratic point of view that judges are singled out by names and surnames and accused of committing crimes.”

Bolaños made these statements to the media at the XXV edition of the Human Rights Awards organized by the Spanish Bar Council. The minister added that he finds the accusation against the judges “just as intolerable” whether it is done by the Popular Party or the independence movement.

For her part, Minister Robles, during an event in Ferrol and in response to questions from the media, recalled that “judicial resolutions can be criticized, they can be appealed, and that is normal in a rule of law”, but added that “coexistence cannot accept” criticism “with names and surnames of certain judges.” “I’m not going to accept it,” she concluded.

The Government of Spain, Robles said, seeks “peaceful coexistence.” “We want a respectful coexistence, and singling out people individually is not acceptable,” she added, adding that she feels “very proud of the Judiciary in Spain, which is made up of magistrates who apply the law, who do so with respect for current legislation, and that they are absolutely independent”.

“I have been a judge since I was 23 years old, I know the Spanish Judiciary perfectly, and it is made up of serious, responsible, independent and subject to the law magistrates,” he highlighted.

Subsequently, Margarita Robles has also criticized that “political forces like Vox insult the President of the Government”, showing “the most absolute rejection, the most absolute criticism” of expressions “as terrible” as those used by this group against Pedro Sánchez.