Thursday, June 30th, the committee against sexual violence of La France Insoumise (LFI), defended Eric Coquerel’s election as president of the Finance Committee of National Assembly against “rumors about [his] behavior with women”, making sure that n never received a report on him.

“For many weeks, MP Eric Coquerel was the target of attacks on social media raising suspicion about his behaviour towards women”, writes the Finance Committee in a press release.

However, “our committee has not received any report regarding the deputy Eric Coquerel for any reason whatsoever,” adds the body. It claims to be independent from LFI’s political direction.

The committee will listen to the testimonies of women and “deplores” the spread of rumors that are not grounded in any concrete evidence and have the sole purpose of making a person suspect. It condemned a “type practice that does not help to effectively combat gender-based or sexual violence.”

Rokhaya Diallo, journalist at RTL was invited to accuse Eric Coquerel’s suspicious behavior with certain women.

She says that she has heard from several people within LFI about the inappropriate behavior he would show women. This is a surprising choice for a party like LFI which believes women should be protected. These are things I have been hearing for a while, so I am curious.