Twelve days later, the Nupes won the presidency of Finance Committee.

After a long suspense Eric Coquerel will be appointed chairman of the Finance Committee (at least) for a year. The rules of the Assembly state that the members of the standing commissions are appointed at each year’s beginning and every subsequent year. He was elected with 21 votes to Jean-Philippe Tanguy, the candidate for the National Rally. Veronique Louwagie, LR (with 9 votes) is next. The majority of MPs abstained.

It took three rounds to decide between the candidates. The left feared the unexpected surprise. An alliance of the opposition deputies LR/RN was formed in order to elect the far-right candidate. After failing to reach an agreement, which caused three suspensions of session, the parties surrendered to the left of rupture.

The withdrawal of Charles de Courson (Freedoms, Independents and Territories) as the candidate for the third round of the decisive round would result in the reversal of the agreement between LR and RN to win the presidency of “ComFi”. Why? Olivier Faure, the left secretary of the PS was the one who led the charge and denounced the “scam” of an alliance between the far right and the right in order to elect Charles de Courson. The way for LR to not vote for the far-right candidate and for the RN avoid Nupes nomination.

Charles de Courson, however, refused to be elected along with the far-right voices. This can be explained by the Vichy regime that Charles de Courson, his father, was continuing to support. He had previously denounced the Vichy system’s return in 2019 in connection with the “antibreakers” law. According to a BFMTV relative, Jean-Luc Melenchon called the deputy of Marne to “thank him” for respecting the Republican front’s values.

What if La Nupes had changed Olivier Faure’s mind? The first secretary of the Socialist Party is reputed to be discrete, serious, and even austere. He has become more comfortable with communication. Before the vote to join the union, we had already witnessed a shift in his speech at the PS national council. Since then, vitriolic twitters and clashes (the last one with Raphael Enthoven, the great moralizer) have been following each other, even memes.

Who recalls that Arnaud Montbourg was a presidential candidate. He had lost hope with less than 2% of the votes and the calls to other candidates all on answering machines. He didn’t find his failure to be a good fit for politics. A relative of the former Minister for Productive Recovery to “Liberation” said that he is certain that he would play a role. He continues, “It is believed that France will be ungoverned and that Macron will need strong personalities. He is going call him to offer him the position of minister”. We recommend that he wait seated.

The executive also saves time. Elisabeth Borne will deliver her final general policy statement to Parliament on Wednesday, July 6, at 3 p.m. (National Assembly) and 9 p.m. (Senate). This is not the previous decree. History will allow for a bit more time to form the new government. Emmanuel Macron renewed her confidence and asked her to consider a new trombinoscope.

The timing of the reshuffle is one thing. Another question is whether Matignon will continue to procrastinate. Should the Assembly hold the government accountable or should it organize a vote in confidence? The problem is that the presidential camp has only a relative majority. They cannot afford to send too many deputies to the new government. Their alternates can only access the Palais-Bourbon for a month. It is obvious that the calculators will get heated if Elisabeth Borne wants to give it a try. If she rejects the obstacle, “rebellious deputies” could counterattack with a motion for censure.

Everybody has their own demands. Marine Le Pen demanded, during the Thursday meeting with group presidents, that the 89 RN deputy deputies be seated at the far right end of the Hemicycle. The majority and opposition elected officials claim that Marine Le Pen, the leader of RN group, has requested that her troops be placed to the left side of the LRs who are watching the deputies from their perch. This request was ultimately denied.

“Ms. “Ms. He was reminded of the existence of political science, which is despite all that’s happening. It’s classified on the far right by political scientists,” said a deputy to AFP.

The Hemicycle’s placement is a moment that historically gives rise to collective or personal desires. It includes the desire to occupy historic seats such as Jean-Luc Melenchon’s five years ago. A “Carre des Alsaciens”, located at the bottom of the page, is also historical.

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed on Thursday that it had opened an investigation for fraud, following the dark Zemouri-Garrido-Corbiere-“Le Point” affair. The “rebellious” two deputies were wrongly accused of using an undocumented cleaner in an article that was removed from the weekly’s site. The newspaper addressed its readers Tuesday, admitting that the article was “false” and misleading.

“Le Point” is now referring to “external smoking first”. It writes: “People likely sought a false story to discredit RaquelGarrido and Alexis Corbiere. The weekly also explained that screenshots of text messages between Raquel Garrido and the false employee were published by the journalist as “a rough montage”. The main question is: Who would want to influence the legislative campaign when Raquel Garrido was elected deputy für Seine-Saint-Denis, to the detriment Jean-Christophe Lagarde, president of UDI?