Former Unarmed Cop Leads LAPD Commission Review

Django Sibley, a former unarmed police officer from Hull, England, has taken on a new role as the executive director of the Los Angeles Police Commission. This civilian panel oversees the LAPD and reviews officer-involved shootings, bringing a unique perspective to the table.

A Journey of De-escalation and Reform

Sibley’s journey began in the 1990s in Hull, where he patrolled public housing without a gun. He quickly learned the value of persuasion over force, focusing on de-escalation techniques long before they became mainstream in law enforcement. These early lessons shaped his approach to policing and have stayed with him throughout his career.

Moving to Los Angeles over two decades ago, Sibley has now become a key figure in overseeing the LAPD’s use of force policies. With a background in investigating serious police incidents, including shootings, he brings a wealth of experience to his new role as executive director.

Challenges and Progress in Policing

Sibley’s unique perspective on policing in a country with widespread gun ownership has given him insight into the challenges faced by law enforcement in the U.S. Compared to his hometown in England, where firearms were rare, the presence of guns in Los Angeles adds a layer of complexity to even routine police calls.

Despite the progress made in reducing officer-involved shootings in recent years, there is still work to be done. Critics of the Police Commission often accuse it of being too lenient on officers involved in violent incidents. Sibley acknowledges these concerns but also points out the reforms and improvements that have taken place within the LAPD.

Looking Ahead

As Sibley takes on his new role as executive director, he brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to improving police-community relations. His journey from a beat cop in England to a key figure in overseeing the LAPD’s use of force policies is a testament to his dedication to reform and accountability.

In a time where police-community relations are under scrutiny, Sibley’s unique perspective and background offer a fresh approach to addressing the challenges faced by law enforcement. His journey from Hull to Los Angeles is not just a personal one but a professional evolution that highlights the importance of de-escalation, reform, and building trust within communities.