Cedric Villani will be running for his succession as Essonne’s 5th constituency (91), in the legislative elections. He won 38.2% of all votes, and came in first place this Sunday. He will be facing Paul Midy, the candidate for Ensemble! (30.53%) of the vote.

Cedric Villani’s constituency has an air of felony. The president’s majority is furious at the change of heart by the medal-winning mathematician. The LREM colors elected the deputy in 2017, with 69.36% vote. He was a dedicated macronist… until 2020.

Cedric Villani, after several turbulent episodes with Emmanuel Macron leaves the room in 2020, when LREM denies him the nomination as mayor of Paris. Instead, Benjamin Griveaux is nominated. And joins Generation Ecology.

It is now available in the Nupes color. Jean-Luc Melenchon is not featured on the leaflets. Instead, it features a spider against a green background like the brooches the mathematician wore.

Ensemble! invested in his main opponent, Paul Midy. He graduated from Polytechnique and Columbia University. He then founded an IT company, and then joined McKinsey, Jumia, and finally Frichti.

It is still to be seen if the constituency voters, who voted in the majority of Jean-Luc Melenchon’s presidential vote (25.02%), will decide to re-elect Cedric Villeni or to elect the presidential majority.