The finalist in environmental primaries was a candidate from the 9th District of Paris for the New Popular Ecological and Social Union Nupes. She faced outgoing deputy Buon Tang (Together!). Sandrine Rousseau won 42.90% of votes in the first round. She will be facing Buon Tan, the candidate for the presidential majority Together!

Buon Tan would have won 2017 under LREM colors, which means that the constituency is strongly anchored to the left. Two mandates before that were PS (Jean Marie Le Guen and Anne-Christine Lang). During the presidential elections, there was overwhelming support for Jean-Luc Melenchon (36.35%). Yannick Jadot (EELV candidate) received 5.43%.

Sandrine Rousseau, an ex-opposition member of the Hauts de France, has made new friends by dismissing an activist who was elected to her place. The ecofeminist, now called Nupes, hopes to dislodge the outgoing Macronist MP Buon Tang. Buon Tan, who is not well-known at the national level but is highly influential within the Chinese community which is well established in this constituency, is little known.

The constituency also received unusual media coverage because Sandrine Rousseau is running for… Sandrine Rousseau. The Mouvement de la Ruralite, previously Hunting, fishing and nature, has chosen a specific strategy to present namesakes for the top candidates in particular constituencies. The acronym LMR–CNPT was used on the ballots to avoid confusion among the Rousseaus. This was only elected with 1.88% of votes.