The commemoration of LGTBIQ Pride is the last milestone that remains for Irene Montero as Minister of Equality. And with that flavor of farewell and at the end of the stage, she celebrated this Tuesday the delivery of the Arcoíris awards that her department awards to outstanding figures in the defense of the rights and freedoms of the collective. Montero, whose future is uncertain after being removed from Sumar’s electoral lists, took advantage of the stage to enter the pre-campaign of 23-J with a call to “stop the reactionaries’ feet”, alluding to PP and Vox, to be able to “continue advancing in rights” LGTBIQ and “to protect democracy and the lives of all, all and all.” “This is a time for a lot of Pride and a lot of trans rage,” she said.

The rainbow party at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid symbolized the contrast left as a legacy by the figure of Montero at the helm of the Ministry of Equality. On the one hand, abandoned by a large majority of the Government -which is to blame for the strong wear it suffers due to its reaction to the reduction in sentences of the law of the only yes is yes- and, on the other hand, supported with admiration by numerous activists of the LGTBIQ collective and, very singularly, of the trans.

No socialist member of the Executive attended the awards ceremony. Neither did anyone prominent from Sumar who did not belong to Podemos. Only the top purple leaders were, such as the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, and the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda, Lilith Verstrynge. That is, numbers one and three of the game. Last year the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, and the Socialist Minister of Science, Diana Morant, were present. Two years earlier it was the Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, who made an appearance.

The certainty that Montero’s fall from the Sumar lists also implies that under no circumstances will she repeat as Minister of Equality, regardless of the result, caused her to be honored by her own and recognized with words of affection on the spot. However, a large majority of the winners had collaborated with Equality during this legislature.

She left this message in this regard: «Think about these years, there are times when speaking has an enormous cost, but only thanks to the fact that we spoke have we been able to move forward. Silence would have been even worse, we would not have stopped hatred and we would not have advanced rights either.

Looking further into the future, and in an electoral key due to the possibility that the PP will govern with the support of Vox, Montero emphasized that it is “time to speak so that hatred and LGBTIphobia do not become normalized, so as not to legitimize discrimination and injustice”. .

«It is time for a lot of Pride and a lot of trans fury; to grow the collective networks that inside and outside the institutions stop the reactionaries and continue advancing in rights and thus protect our democracy and the lives of all, all and all, “he said. Likewise, he pointed out that “hate and reaction” are now showing “their strength”, but called to be “together” because that is how they are “stronger”.

One of the winners was former President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who wanted to express his “thankfulness”, “affection” and “recognition” to Montero “for his work” and for the “respect” with which he has always treated him. “I like this Ministry of Equality,” he said.

The rest of the winners also honored Montero. “Trans people owe a debt to you and your brave team,” said Mar Cambrollé (Trans Platform). “It is not possible to fight without burning and it is precious to burn in favor of LGTBI people,” they praised from Olympe Abogados.

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