Dani Alves’ ex-partner, Dinora Santana, has arrived in Barcelona today along with the footballer’s two children and, as soon as they landed, has taken the opportunity to defend him against the accusation of sexual assault that falls against him and for which he has been in prison for years. three months.

“Of course, of course.” This is how he responded to journalists’ questions about whether he believed in Alves’ innocence at Barcelona’s El Prat airport, where he arrived at Terminal 1 at around 9:13 a.m. accompanied by his two children –a 16-year-old boy and a young man of 15– and his current partner.

Santana has also explained that they have come to Barcelona to find a school for their children, although they will travel to Brazil again until September and plan to return when their children start school in Barcelona. She has denied that during her stay in the city she stays at the soccer player’s house: “I have my own house in Barcelona.”

Santana visited Alves in the Brians 2 prison last March and, visibly affected, publicly showed her support and confidence in his innocence.

Alves has been in provisional prison since January 20 for allegedly sexually assaulting the girl on December 30, 2022, and his defense, led by lawyer Cristóbal Martell, has twice requested the player’s release. Martell proposed to the Investigating Court 15 of Barcelona that they impose a bail on the soccer player and that they withdraw his Spanish and Brazilian passports to guarantee that he would not flee if he was released from prison. On both occasions, the Barcelona Provincial Prosecutor’s Office has opposed this request, understanding that there is still a risk of flight.

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