Despite the myriad of support systems deployed in recent weeks, the inevitable will not able to be avoided… After two months of confinement and slowdown of the economy is unprecedented, the number of students enrolled in the class A Pole employment has jumped by more than a million in barely two months. And between the hiring freeze and the threat of many social plans, which hover on the French economic fabric, the trend is not expected to reverse in the coming months.

in the Face of this situation, the Conseil économique, social et environnemental (Cese) presented on Wednesday a notice that is dedicated to the prevention and reduction of long-term unemployment, with a set of proposals to address the key. Because with the arrival of new job seekers, the long-term unemployed will see their chances of finding a job diminish, particularly because of the competition with profiles more “employable”, and their period of inactivity will therefore be strengthened.

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In France, within the meaning of the international labour Office (ILO), there were in 2018, not least of 1,112 million people as unemployment for more than a year, said “in long-term unemployment,” according to the definition of Insee. A number that represents 3.8% of the active population. And in 2019, despite a net decline in unemployment, the number of job seekers in search for more than one year has increased to reach 47.5 per cent of the overall share of the unemployed.

in response to this problem, everyone is not housed in the same boat. A young non-graduate on a two-for example, the experience of long-term unemployment before taking a job. In the same way, in 2018, 57.7% of the unemployed over the age of 50 were in research for more than a year and 38% for more than two years. And periods of inactivity are similar to a real brake. “The duration of the deprivation of employment increases the difficulty of the return to employment”, emphasizes in this sense the study of the Eesc.

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to remedy this situation that will grow in the coming months, the economic Council, social and environmental advocates a better territorial governance of the prevention and reduction of long-term unemployment. This would result in a contracting of territorial actors –regions, departments, operators skills and a broadening of their skills “to ensure an effective distribution of roles in terms of supporting and monitoring vulnerable people on the labour market”.

The Eesc also wishes to facilitate access to employment through a better articulation between the systems of social assistance which may benefit the long-term unemployed”. The constitutional assembly also encourages them to sustain it beyond the five year period, the plan investment in skills (PIC) who must, through training, to respond to the issues of employability of the furthest away from the job. A device that has, for the time being, not yet proven.

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You must restart the departures in retirement, bonds hires…many are those who would leave to continue working with the same company, with contracts in hand, and one-time

3715715 profile (not moderate)the 24/06/2020 15:31

And then when talking with the artisans they complain about not being able to find employees qualified or willing to be trained Is reduced allowances and those who want to find a job, if people do not speak the French arrive there ……

FelizElHijodePle 24/06/2020 15:28

it is better to allow a situation more negative than it actually is

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