“What a pity it makes me that Abascal’s mother could not have an abortion.” Vox demands the dismissal of the Secretary of State for Equality, Ángela Rodríguez, for recording herself with 8-M protesters who launched these proclamations against the leader of the formation.

Some songs that have been quickly condemned by the Popular Party, while Vox requests the Executive to take action in the face of this situation led by one of its senior officials. “We want to understand that you will not endorse the actions of your Secretary of State today and that you will terminate her immediately,” the party launched this Thursday at the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, due to the attitude of Rodríguez, number two in the ministry commanded by Irene Huntsman.

However, Ángela Rodríguez defends herself and accuses Abascal of “dramatizing” what happened. “They have never been to a feminist demonstration and, therefore, they are unaware that there is a great variety of chants,” he assured shortly before pointing out that the decision of what “the younger girls” of the concentration said “corresponds to them” .

In the video, you can see how Rodríguez is recorded together with different protesters who carry the Podemos banner and who sing “what a pity it gives me, what a pity it gives me that Abascal’s mother could not have an abortion.” A situation that is reason, they consider in Vox, to dismiss the Secretary of State today

“Otherwise, you and your government will cross a line to which it will be very difficult for us to return later,” Vox warns the chief executive.

A criticism that has also been joined by the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who has condemned the actions of the Secretary of State and asked the Government to do the same.

“I have always said it: not everything goes in politics. This type of attitude is unjustifiable in public office and the Government must condemn it,” said the president of the PP as a sign of “solidarity” with Abascal and his family.

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