Marta Lopez, the girlfriend of Kiko Matamoros, fails to talk about the anorexia which padecióAsí is Marta Lopez, the girlfriend of 22 years of Kiko Matamoros

Marta Lopez has made a confession in the latest video from your channel “Mtmad”. The wedding of Kiko Matamoros has decided to answer several of the questions that we have done some of his followers and has not cut the time to answer them.

Among the issues that kept coming up was why is with a man forty years her senior, since you have to remember that the model is 22 years old and the television, 62. The “instagramer” making reference to this topic answered the following: “Ask yourself one thing, what You would ask a gay man why do you like people of your same sex? As it is the same, it is a choice. To me, it does not attract me, neither physically nor mentally the people of my age. And if there is any person of 25 or 22 years that is very mature, physically I do not like. To me I like men older than me and you notice that they are much older than I . I’ve been with men of 40, 50 and now 62 and it is great.”

When he began to appear in the media, Martha was very discreet when talking about your private life. However, with the passage of time has been gaining confidence each and every time opens up more and shows his facet more transparent. Although, for the moment, the “influencer” continues to maintain that will not go to any television set or reality, for now, is focused on her modeling career: “What I like most about my current life is my work as a model, (…) it is true that having a partner I can not travel as much. Not that I don’t leave far from it, but by I do not like being separated from a person that I want a lot.”