Lubmin (dpa/mv) – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and her Bavarian counterpart Markus Söder (CSU) will meet in Lubmin next Tuesday in an effort to improve energy supply. Söder wants to look at the pipeline infrastructure there, which is also important for Bavaria, Schwesig said on Thursday.

Several gas pipelines meet in Lubmin. So far, mainly Russian gas from the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline, which has now been throttled, has been landed here and then forwarded to other parts of Germany and Europe.

“Lubmin is an important location for the supply of LNG throughout Germany,” Schwesig was quoted as saying in a statement. As part of the efforts to become more independent from Russian gas, the company Deutsche Regas wants to land liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Lubmin from the beginning of December.

According to his own statement, Söder wants to consider together with Schwesig how a Bavarian contribution is possible in order to realize the construction and the approval process for the terminal as quickly as possible. “Here, Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will work more closely together,” explained Söder.

In the past, Söder had expressed concern about an adequate supply of his state in view of the energy crisis. For his part, he had been accused of a failed energy policy in recent years, such as too little involvement in the expansion of wind power in his state.