Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranian City and Municipality Day has spoken out in favor of retaining the bed tax to finance tourism. It must be retained as an easy-to-use tool, said Managing Director Andreas Wellmann on Monday.

The bed tax is a municipal tax levied by some cities on private overnight stays. With a view to the tourism law planned by the state government, Wellmann called for responsibility for tourism to be left in the hands of the municipalities. “The local health resort and tourist tax has proved its worth in financing the necessary tourism infrastructure, which in some cases places a considerable burden on municipal budgets,” said Wellmann.

In their coalition agreement, the SPD and the left had agreed to promote “an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable, fair and resident-oriented tourism development”. The Minister responsible, Reinhard Meyer, took a close look at examples from abroad. Exact plans are not yet known.

However, the SPD politician is very critical of the bed tax: He rejects it because the revenue ends up in general municipal budgets and is not earmarked.