Pasewalk/Stralsund (dpa/mv) – During a nationwide check to prevent illegal entry and exit, the federal police in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania recorded six criminal offenses on Wednesday. As a federal police spokeswoman said on Thursday, 40 officers were on duty checking 130 vehicles and 220 people at different locations. This happened on Autobahn 11 on the German-Polish border, the A20, as well as federal and other roads known to be alternative routes for illegal actions.

Three men from Ukraine who wanted to enter the country to work but did not have the necessary papers were caught. The men, aged 24, 29 and 49, are being investigated for illegal entry and residence and have been referred to the responsible authorities. A manipulated vehicle identification number was noticed on the semi-trailer of a truck. The trailer had to stop. Here it is checked whether a theft is behind it. A 26-year-old man from Poland is being investigated for violating the weapons law: he had a stun gun disguised as a flashlight in the vehicle.

The federal police have been intensifying checks in areas close to the border to combat illegal migration and cross-border crime for several weeks.

Forces from all three federal police departments in MV – Pasewalk, Stralsund and Rostock – customs and a mobile control unit from the Bad Bramstedt directorate were involved in the control.