Mühlengeez (dpa/mv) – On Saturday, forest workers can again demonstrate their chainsaw skills. The forest workers’ championships take place at the MeLa agricultural show in Mühlengeez (Rostock district). They were traditionally one of the crowd pullers, the Ministry of Forestry announced on Friday. The 24 participants could qualify for the World Cup in Serbia, as Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) explained.

“I’m always amazed at the precision and speed with which our professionals go about their work.” The disciplines are based on the daily work involved in harvesting wood.

According to the information, there have been competitions at the MeLa since 2009. The first world championship of forest workers took place in 1970, there have been state championships in MV since 1995. There were also competitions in GDR times. The forest workers’ championships would be evaluated according to nationwide uniform rules.