Grevesmühlen (dpa/mv) – On the occasion of the district council meeting in Northwest Mecklenburg, many demonstrators came to Grevesmühlen again. As the local police announced on Wednesday, more than 400 people had gathered in front of the malt factory building before the meeting began.

With loud slogans from megaphones, whistles and chants, the crowd made their displeasure at the district’s plans for refugee accommodation known. Unlike last Monday, representatives of the right-wing spectrum were also part of the protest.

This is one of the reasons why she is taking part in the district council meeting today as a guest, said State Parliament President Birgit Hesse (SPD) on the sidelines of the event. A democracy must be able to withstand different positions and protests, but threats such as those against District Administrator Tino Schomann (CDU) and other members of the district council are a limit. She is here to show that the state parliament is closely following the discussion about creating new capacities for accommodating refugees.