In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the majority of women work full-time. The employment agency sees even more potential.

Schwerin/Kiel (dpa/mv) – In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, more women work full-time than part-time. The 150,300 women in full-time jobs subject to social security contributions correspond to a share of 51.1 percent, said the North Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency on Wednesday in Kiel.

From the point of view of the head of the regional directorate, this proportion could continue to grow. “The women who are currently employed part-time represent an important potential in the context of securing skilled workers,” said Markus Biercher. Among the women in part-time jobs, he sees many who would increase their working hours in the event of better conditions – such as in childcare.

According to the agency, the employment rate for women in the Northeast is higher than that for men: at 62.5 percent, by 1.2 percentage points. The total number of all women in the country who are subject to social security contributions is 294,200. In terms of the quality of education, women in the north-east are also ahead of men.